Set in the heart of the Norman Switzerland, at the confluence of the rivers Noireau and Orne, in a stunning landscape of cliffs and meadows, Pont d’Ouilly brims with nature and is filled with outdoor activities.
We have a range of places to stay, suitable for all ages and budgets: two houses for groups who want to self cater, taking 30 and 36 people respectively, along side with a camp site with 250 slots.
Founded in 1982, our association is recognised by the French Ministries of Youth and Sport and National Education and is affiliated to the Calvados Education Association.
In all the things we organise, we have one guiding principle, ACCESS TO LEISURE FOR ALL. More than just a place to enjoy sports, our association also offers a wide range of activities for our inhabitants (club activities, support groups, work’s councils, etc.)
Learning through sports and within nature is one of the main objectives of the Base de Plein Air. We want to give everyone the chance to discover themselves, how to work as a team and how to enjoy the outdoors.
Come and discover the pleasure of outdoor activities, we hope you’ll enjoy your stay!